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The orders tab shows you all your active (unpaid) orders. This is where you should look to create new orders or do anything with existing ones.

The Orders tab is only visible in Hospitality mode.

New Order

To create an order simply tap the (+) button at the bottom right of the screen (for Android).

The order view is very similar to the Register. The initial view will display the order details (almost identical to the Register basket) which allows you to choose a table, add notes, and edit any existing items.

Most importantly, you can add new items to the orders by selecting Add Menu Item. This will display the Add Items screen which operates exactly the same as the Register. Please see that section for more information on adding items to your order.

Once you've created your order, you can choose back to leave the order unpaid, or you can immediately pay it out.

Order Actions

Orders have a few actions that can be performed on them, some actions can only be performed before any payments have been made.

Action Description
Share This allows you to share the invoice in its current state to a customer.
Void This effectively invalidates the order but will keep a copy for your records. The copy will be stored in the Paid tab.
Only available if no payments have been made against an order.
Delete This deletes the order completely. No record will be kept.
Only available if no payments have been made against an order.
Pay This allows you to make a payment against the order. You can either make a full or partial payment. If you make a partial payment the order will remain in the Orders tab, otherwise, it will move to the Paid tab.